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Full Version: Remove sql info on bottom of board?
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I currently have this showing on the bottom of my board:

Generated in 1.6807570 seconds (1.52% PHP / 98.48% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 10 / Global Parsing Time: 1.5901310 / Memory Usage: 2.75 MB
PHP version: 5.2.17 / Server Load: 11.25 / GZip Compression: Disabled
[advanced details]

How can I remove that? Or is it just displaying because im logged in as an admin?

" Or is it just displaying because im logged in as an admin? "
^ Yes, it is visible to the admin group members only ; AND it helps in debugging purpose (if required)

however, if you do not want to see it then you can turn it off

admin panel --> configuration --> settings --> Server and Optimization Options
--> Advanced Stats / Debug information <-- select no & save settings