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Full Version: code on ftp seem son correct?
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I figure out work
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seem son my seems difficult!
umm, what are you looking to do?
I can't it because I conatact to technical support to fix seems serious! vps on my management because reason security! work hope be difficult!
FTP on his VPS isn't working, he needs to know if what he has is correct.
What does HTACCESS have to do with FTP?
(2011-10-30, 10:18 PM)Tom K. Wrote: [ -> ]What does HTACCESS have to do with FTP?

sound look like on conflict to redirect sound look weird wn't work

domain example .tk and .com

weird on affect

I don't want to play games leave it

VPS fix on update hope be update investiage it I can do nothing it because rule on law!