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Full Version: question on bots and unknown IP's
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Exactly what is it that the bots do and has anyone heard of either one of these IP's? IP IP

I have done a google on them and if I am reading things correctly they are spammers from the orient....has anyone ever encountered them on their forums? Any suggestions?
Bots ... they just crawl your forum/site for web links or email addresses (which is why people type it like this: dalehay[at]gmail[dot]com).

Ain't heard of them IP's though.
Thanks for the info....appreciate the help.
Yeah, spambots crawl your site searching for email addresses and there's no way to block them all.
Asad_Niazi Wrote:Yeah, spambots crawl your site searching for email addresses and there's no way to block them all.

Darn, that's a good point Asad_Niazi...i didn't think of that Sad

But your right...i was just thinking bots like google, for there search-engine...but ofcourse....spambots, omg..

I think i'm going change some routines in MyBB, that when displaying a post...and somebody isn't logged in/ replaces strings like "@*.com" with "(emaildomain not shown)"....and some with "@*.nl" and "@*.org" and etc.etc...most populair domainextensions.
Just a protection for people posting on forms...and protecting them from spawbots juts incase the mention there emailadres in text.

Also ofcourse, the memberlist, profile, and etc.etc...where ever the email is shown...the same shouldn't be that much work....but well worth it.......I hate spam lol

Thanks Asad_Niazi for mentioning that Smile I'm not a supicious person and never expected the bots to cause any harm haha
I believe there is a mod that changes all email addresses to the "x[at]y[dot]com" and so on...
Not currently getting the MyBBoard Mods website. :\ I get the default cPanel thing. :s