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Full Version: Error when "Configure Administrator Account" using v1.6.4
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The install got as far as

Setting up basic board settings...

Inserted 195 settings into 21 groups.

Updating settings with user defined values.

Inserted 11 scheduled tasks.

but then the "Administrator User" part of the install which configures the Administrator Account fails with the following error

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1364 - Field 'custom_profile_fields' doesn't have a default value
INSERT INTO mybb_adminviews (`uid`,`type`,`visibility`,`title`,`fields`,`conditions`,`sortby`,`sortorder`,`perpage`,`view_type`) VALUES ('0','user','2','All Users','a:7:{i:0;s:6:\"avatar\";i:1;s:8:\"username\";i:2;s:5:\"email\";i:3;s:7:\"regdate\";i:4;s:10:\"lastactive\";i:5;s:7:\"postnum\";i:6;s:8:\"controls\";}','a:0:{}','username','asc','20','card')

This is an easy fix, either modify the install script to enter empty value for the database field 'custom_profile_fields' since the field is NOT NULL with NO DEFAULT VALUE or modify the table 'mybb_adminviews' to NULL and/or assign a DEFAULT value.

I modified /install/index.php and inserted the following at line #1940
"custom_profile_fields" => 0,

which allowed me to successfully complete the installation

This was a completely fresh install of myBB v1.6.4 downloaded today (03-NOV-2011 at 08:30) on Windows XP SP3 with PHP5.2.11, Apache2.0.63 and MySQL 5.1.39

The install settings were not changed from default apart from entering my own database details.