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Full Version: Error received via email
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I've recently had errors sent to me, 3 at the same time and again 30 mins later, all with the same text as below. Does this indicate an intrusion attempt? I've updated with the latest security patch for 1.6.4 but this error message is different from those received after the attacks that I experienced, along with many others, before installing the patch........

Your copy of MyBB has experienced an error. Details of the error include:
Type: 2
File: inc/functions.php (Line no. 1669)
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /volume1/web/OBInfoBB/inc/config.php(2139) : eval()'d

have you edited functions.php file ? check if it consists of below code around lines 1662 - 1670
if($httponly == true)
		$cookie .= "; HttpOnly";
	$mybb->cookies[$name] = $value;

	header($cookie, false);
I haven't edited functions.php file at all. I've checked the code, as you suggested, between lines 1662 and 1670 and all is as expected............?
^ run file verification tool from tools & maintenance section to check for changed files ...
Okay, thanx, I'll look at the output report as there are some files that I have edited myself so need to check the changes reported.
^ you may also have to check /inc/config.php file for any malicious code ...