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Full Version: Timezone in Profile?
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Does anyone know how to display the members timezone in their profile.

I continously have issues trying to remember or work out what timezone they are in so I can convert times.

Use variable: {$memprofile['timezone']} in profile templates.

[Image: dbc8f9ff122b4427bc7f8c1.png]

[Image: 9375f40a55c4405987b14d0.png]

They'd display as 4.0 (as in +4.0) , -5.5 and so on. Wink
Nice one, exactly what I was looking for Smile
No problem.
curious as to why you need to work out timeszones, unless its not related to the board
Trying to organise meetings etc, and i don't like keep having to ask my members what timezone they are in to convert the time the meeting is for them.