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Phooey. Alright then back to square one. That's what got me in this fix I couldn't figure out how to do that in the first place. If I can even figure that out . . . .

Man I don't know I think I'm going to have to scrap this whole idea. None of this works out anything as advertised. Thanks for your help but I think I might have to punt.
Just re-upload a new package, overwrite exsiting files, job done.
(2011-11-06, 01:36 AM)Frank.Barry Wrote: [ -> ]Just re-upload a new package, overwrite exsiting files, job done.

"Just re-upload..."

Easy for you to say brother. Thanks for you help.
(2011-11-06, 01:32 AM)K e v i n Wrote: [ -> ]Man I don't know I think I'm going to have to scrap this whole idea. None of this works out anything as advertised. Thanks for your help but I think I might have to punt.

Obviously things won't work properly if some files or folders haven't been uploaded, that's hardly our fault. If you upload everything in the package, it will work fine.
(2011-11-06, 08:27 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]. . . that's hardly our fault.

I've never even hinted at such a thing. You have taken my post and made it into something entirely alien; that is your choice, and I don't even use the word fault since it's no more appropriate to you than your use of it was to me. How silly.

I've been completely honest about my ignorance, and appreciative to all who have helped me and I will remain so (appreciative, hopefully not ignorant).

(2011-11-06, 10:07 PM)K e v i n Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-11-06, 08:27 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]. . . that's hardly our fault.

I've never even hinted at such a thing. You have taken my post and made it into something entirely alien; that is your choice, and I don't even use the word fault since it's no more appropriate to you than your use of it was to me. How silly.

I've been completely honest about my ignorance, and appreciative to all who have helped me and I will remain so (appreciative, hopefully not ignorant).

Yes but you've come on here, asked for support, you've been told what to do and your going to "scrap this whole idea". Why? What you've been told to do is not rocket science, re-upload a new mybb package, job done, problem solved, no more issues.
(2011-11-06, 10:07 PM)K e v i n Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-11-06, 08:27 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]. . . that's hardly our fault.

I've never even hinted at such a thing. You have taken my post and made it into something entirely alien; that is your choice, and I don't even use the word fault since it's no more appropriate to you than your use of it was to me. How silly.

I've been completely honest about my ignorance, and appreciative to all who have helped me and I will remain so (appreciative, hopefully not ignorant).

Usually when people say something doesn't work as advertised they're saying the product doesn't work, when in this case the product is fine, it's not working because something has not been uploaded, which is not something we can do anything about. If that's not what you were getting at then I simply misunderstood your slightly ambiguous choice of words.

Ultimately though, uploading files and folders is the most basic aspect of running a website; if this is something you're currently unable to do I would suggest learning how this stuff works before trying to use it and run a website, otherwise you will run in to many more problems down the line.
(2011-11-06, 11:00 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-11-06, 10:07 PM)K e v i n Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-11-06, 08:27 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]. . . that's hardly our fault.

I've never even hinted at such a thing. You have taken my post and made it into something entirely alien; that is your choice, and I don't even use the word fault since it's no more appropriate to you than your use of it was to me. How silly.

I've been completely honest about my ignorance, and appreciative to all who have helped me and I will remain so (appreciative, hopefully not ignorant).

Usually when people say something doesn't work as advertised they're saying the product doesn't work, when in this case the product is fine, it's not working because something has not been uploaded, which is not something we can do anything about. If that's not what you were getting at then I simply misunderstood your slightly ambiguous choice of words.

Ultimately though, uploading files and folders is the most basic aspect of running a website; if this is something you're currently unable to do I would suggest learning how this stuff works before trying to use it and run a website, otherwise you will run in to many more problems down the line.

I haven't had a single negative experience with anyone here until now. If you didn't like what I said you could have ignored it. If I were to address each of your statements - some unreasonable from my perspective - then this would just devolve further and I won't participate. Have a nice evening.

Lets swiftly get this back on topic. Do you still need help uploading the files to the server?

Just download a fresh copy of myBB (as my understanding is that your forum has no posts/members/threads/alterations) and just drag and drop all the files into your public_html (or root).

If i'm wrong and your forum does have some progression, just drag the uploads folder to your root, right click it and edit permissions Smile

(2011-11-07, 12:30 AM)david42 Wrote: [ -> ]Lets swiftly get this back on topic. Do you still need help uploading the files to the server?

Just download a fresh copy of myBB (as my understanding is that your forum has no posts/members/threads/alterations) and just drag and drop all the files into your public_html (or root).

If i'm wrong and your forum does have some progression, just drag the uploads folder to your root, right click it and edit permissions Smile

David, yes I do still need help. I did exactly as you suggested and I believe everything worked thus far. Filezilla is telling me I had 785 successful transfers and 0 unsuccessful. That's the first time that has happened for me. I had deleted the db and then created a new one before doing the transfer. I did transfer them to the public.html folder on the server.

I don't know what to do next to propagate the site. Am I supposed to do something to make sure those files are linked to the database I created? Because the DB is only showing 0.01 MB. I am in my file manager in cpanel and I see all the files are there. I have watched HH's video tutorials again but none of them tell me in detail what to do next. , Thank you for help.

Matt, Frank, thank you both also for the help you have given. I do appreciate it and hope we can move on. Honestly, I meant no offense & will try to choose my words better in the future.

I don't know if this is important but my site is giving me this error:

MyBB Internal Error
MyBB has experienced an internal error and cannot continue.

Error Type:
MyBB Error (43)
Error Message:
The install directory (install/) still exists on your server and is not locked. To access MyBB please either remove this directory or create an empty file in it called 'lock'.
Please contact the MyBB Group for support.

I did remove the directory as requested in the error message but that didn't change anything.

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