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Full Version: Flashing username?
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IS it possible to have like a group where it will put the name flashing text. The same way you would have like Admins = Red, Moderators = Blue and Top Posters = Flashing Colours?

Or can you just make individual users have it instead of making a group? Dodgy
The HTML code for flashing is this:

<blink>blinking text</blink>
doesn't work?

where do I put it? I created a group and put it <blink>{username}</blink>
Try this in
users & groups>>your new Group >> username style >>

<span style="text-decoration:blink">{username}</span>
nope still didn't work :/
You're not putting the code properly. It works see the demo here

in who's online list, the admin name is blinking
Its not. Maybe my web browser doesn't support it?
Which web browser you are using?
(2011-11-07, 06:12 PM)sunjava1 Wrote: [ -> ]Which web browser you are using?
Google Chrome

yeah it is not supported in IE, Chrome, or Safari.
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