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Full Version: I want to ban only those users who has been caught by akismet as spammer
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I want to ban only those users who has been caught by akismet as spammer.

Is there any work around for this? or mods? anything...
Much appreciated. waiting...
You have only been waiting for a minute. There must be settings on it, have a look.
Akismet related plugin is included with myBB installation. it has to be installed & activated thru
myBB plugins page ; AND on activation the plugin directs to its settings . there one can add /
modify required settings (eg. Spam messages until ban --> 1) ...
i have this setting in akismet "Spam messages until ban --> 3"
But i can see a users posts more than three times in akismet which is cought as spam. But that user is not banned.
Wondering how long it will take before Akismet kills the spammers!?

I can't find any jobs that can be run either Confused