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Full Version: Administrator Account
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ok here the Error Message:

Setting up basic board settings...

Inserted 195 settings into 21 groups.
Updating settings with user defined values.

Inserted 11 scheduled tasks.

MyBB SQL Error

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.
 SQL Error: 1364 - Field 'custom_profile_fields' doesn't have a default value Query: INSERT INTO mybb_adminviews (`uid`,`type`,`visibility`,`title`,`fields`,`conditions`,`sortby`,`sortorder`,`perpage`,`view_type`) VALUES ('0','user','2','All Users','a:7:{i:0;s:6:\"avatar\";i:1;s:8:\"username\";i:2;s:5:\"email\";i:3;s:7:\"regdate\";i:4;s:10:\"lastactive\";i:5;s:7:\"postnum\";i:6;s:8:\"controls\";}','a:0:{}','username','asc','20','card') 

Don't get confused between database username and the MySQL username. Database username is the main username that you were provided with to login your hosting control panel.
yeah thanks i didn't confuse but i fixed it..
now i got another problem Sad
im using MySQL Browsery 1.2.12

Setting up basic board settings...

Inserted 195 settings into 21 groups.
Updating settings with user defined values.

Inserted 11 scheduled tasks.

MyBB SQL Error

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.
 SQL Error: 1364 - Field 'custom_profile_fields' doesn't have a default value Query: INSERT INTO mybb_adminviews (`uid`,`type`,`visibility`,`title`,`fields`,`conditions`,`sortby`,`sortorder`,`perpage`,`view_type`) VALUES ('0','user','2','All Users','a:7:{i:0;s:6:\"avatar\";i:1;s:8:\"username\";i:2;s:5:\"email\";i:3;s:7:\"regdate\";i:4;s:10:\"lastactive\";i:5;s:7:\"postnum\";i:6;s:8:\"controls\";}','a:0:{}','username','asc','20','card')