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i need to know how can i show excerpt in RSS feeds syndication instead of the full post.

Is there a way to track the RSS feed subscribers?

Thank you very much Big Grin

see this : Limit RSS output ; AND its not easily possible to track the RSS subscribers ...
Ok thanks i'll try this Wink
Update: in MyBB1.6 there are no rows like those ones... probably valid for 1.4 but not for 1.6
didn't find anything... Sad

Just in case someone has come up with something brilliant, I am bumping this very old thread.

I have searched left, right and centre, but nothingSad

Does anyone know how to show only the excerpt of a post in a feed?
Threw something together.

[Image: KwrQa.png]


Extract all the files and folders into /inc/plugins.

You can set it to limit by characters or limit by paragraphs. Paragraphs are counted by the number of line-breaks that aren't blank.

Limiting by characters could cut off any images that may be in the post, if the image code extends outside the character limit, so it's probably safer to use paragraphs if you want more fuller excerpts.

Feel free to PM me or reply here if there's any problems with it.
Hi there,

thanks for that.
Actually I am not quite sure what I am supposed to do with the directory "Beardy" and the file it contains. Smile
Look forward to hearing from you, so I can try it out Big Grin
(2012-12-10, 07:30 AM)Arka Wrote: [ -> ]Hi there,

thanks for that.
Actually I am not quite sure what I am supposed to do with the directory "Beardy" and the file it contains. Smile
Look forward to hearing from you, so I can try it out Big Grin

Sorry, I forgot to include the file structure in the zip. Place all of the files into the /inc/plugins directory.
(2012-12-09, 09:09 PM)Beardy Wrote: [ -> ]Threw something together.

You threw something together????
I have been searching for something like this for AGES. it works like a charm. It really has to be incorporated into myBB

+100000 Big Grin

I was thinking... I have defined a syndication2.php to get the feed of the latest posts and not just the latest threads. I can see I can edit rssexcerpt.php to make sure it picks that up, but I was wondering... in case I wanted both truncated, should I have a rssexcerpt2.php, so in practice, two different plugins?
Or can it be done from rssexcerpt.php simply adding a line? Or even better using a wildcard after "syndication"?
(2012-12-10, 11:21 AM)Arka Wrote: [ -> ]I was thinking... I have defined a syndication2.php to get the feed of the latest posts and not just the latest threads. I can see I can edit rssexcerpt.php to make sure it picks that up, but I was wondering... in case I wanted both truncated, should I have a rssexcerpt2.php, so in practice, two different plugins?
Or can it be done from rssexcerpt.php simply adding a line? Or even better using a wildcard after "syndication"?

If it worked when you changed 'syndication.php' to 'syndication2.php' in the plugin, then replace line 86 in 'rssexcerpt.php' with this:

if (in_array(basename($backtrace[2]['file']), array("syndication.php", "syndication2.php"))) {

Then it should work with both of the files. If you need to check against more files, simply add to the array. Note, however, that this could have unexpected results since I only wrote it with syndication.php in mind.
Thanks a lot. I will give it a try and see what happens Big Grin
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