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Full Version: "topic template"
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I've got a small problem, I've been trying to find something but I can't figure it out.

There's a subforum on my forum in which I want people to follow a template (don't know if this is the correct phrase for it) when they create a topic. So everyone has the same kind of information in their topic (it's a for sale subforum). I want something like


So everyone has the same info in their ad.

Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!
This would require a plugin. I believe xThreads ( ) can do something similar/even better.
I wasn't able to reply sooner, but thanks for the answer Paul!

I was hoping I didn't need such a big plugin. But as I said, thanks!
I believe I could whip up a custom plugin for you.

PM me the forum ID you want the above to appear in.