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Full Version: Announcments Missing After Update
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I still have the issues so please talk to me.
I have the same exact problem with announcements. Announcements seem fine and active in the admin panel, but they are not shown in the forums. I don't have global announcements though. They are all forum announcements.
Download the Announcement Fix

The issue was fixed a few days ago. Replacing forumdisplay.php (link above) will work. If it doesn't, let us know via the development site - Issue #1785.

As for your problems with permissions, it looks like a plugin issue to me. 1.6.5 included changes to the plugin system - try deactivating plugins (there's a global setting for it in the Configuration tab -> General Configuration in the ACP so you don't have to go through each one). If the text comes back, you know it's a plugin.
Thanks Tomm. I found the fix yesterday and after I posted here. Replacing forumdisplay.php fixed the issue.
I did that wrong first and it made things worse. As a word of advise don't right click on the bug page link, follow that to the fix, and from that page right click on the fix and do a save link as. Downloading your link directly worked.Exclamation

Also I disabled all plug-ins from the general configurations page and I got the same thing with the addition of this at the bottom:

Quote:Fatal error: Call to a member function run_hooks() on a non-object in /home/genera54/public_html/forum/inc/functions.php on line 238
Can you provide a screenshot of what you see?

I've tested it from the repo and all was working as expected.
I was updating when you posted.
i have still a bug with the Announcment. Its show me the Announcment but dont the Announcment on the left side for the Announcment...
This is fixed in 1.6.6. If the fix doesn't work for you then wait until 1.6.6 is released.
I only need this Picture, where is normaly the pic? Im using another theme, maybe there is missing this Picture?
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