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Full Version: HTML In signatures not working in forums but are in PMs ?
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Hi again all,

A user on my site has HTML in his signature, and it is of an image.

This signature works fine in PM's, it shows the image, but it doesnt appear to work in forums?

I have ticked allow HTML in signatures.
I tried to play around with some settings, but this still hasn't solved the issue.

It is odd since the signature does show in PMs, but not in threads.


yes me too facing this,is it a mybb bug?
Maybe the mybb html in signature permissions works including the forum permissions.

So, if the users can't post html in forums, maybe html in signatures wouldn't work as well.

Did you tried that?
I did try that yes Omar, but the signature was still disallowed (i.e it still showed the raw html code)


Well if allow html siggyz then the html siggy is coming in pm's but in postbit the html code only showing.
OK Solved this issue.

I had the plugin HTML in Posts by Pirata, and it appears that it doesn't work. I added the usergroup to the allowed user groups, but it appears to block all users with HTML in sigs.

Deactivated plugin and all is well.
You can report that bug in this thread:


Yeah great find devid dude....I too using it and now have uninstall it and i shocked to now the html siggy is totally working fine. Smile
Glad it wasn't just me. I've reported it to the plugin owner as suggested.
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