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Full Version: Converting Dateline
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Ive bin looking at my tables and im trying to figure out where the dateline figure comes from.

Yesterdays dateline was: 1322697600
Where did that come from? Like ther must be some sort of universal template or something?

Oh dear, so its just a number of seconds :/ And the counter wasnt even started at 00/00/0000 00:00 how silly Toungue

Thanks for the link, this actually makes it easier for me to work out what I wanted to do, no need to convert to seconds now, thanks xD
The counter started at the UNIX Epoch (Jan. 1, 1970)

If it started at 00/00/0000 00:00 you know how long the string would be:\ lol
That sounds like a challenge...
Kidding, im not that Keen.
Do it :p I gave up Wink
I've also just figured converting this before 2-3 days.