2011-12-04, 10:34 AM
Running 1.6.5 upgrade.
I've been working on a custom sidebar, and wanted to add the user/welcome box, forum stats, and a new threads box.
Having a rudimentary understanding of html and php i was hoping i could just C+P the codes from the portal php files, sadly i was mistaken.
Inserting this into a div in my sidebar code, that would display on every page.
Can anyone tell me if my problem is as simple as adding a string of code to another php file or editing the above code.
Or am i bit over my head here?
Thanks in advance.
I've been working on a custom sidebar, and wanted to add the user/welcome box, forum stats, and a new threads box.
Having a rudimentary understanding of html and php i was hoping i could just C+P the codes from the portal php files, sadly i was mistaken.
<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" class="tborder">
<td class="thead"><strong>{$lang->online}</strong></td>
<td class="trow1">
<span class="smalltext">
{$lang->online_users}<br /><strong>»</strong> {$lang->online_counts}<br />{$onlinemembers}
<br />
Inserting this into a div in my sidebar code, that would display on every page.
Can anyone tell me if my problem is as simple as adding a string of code to another php file or editing the above code.
Or am i bit over my head here?
Thanks in advance.