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Full Version: Adding new threads & and other forum stats to sidebar.
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Running 1.6.5 upgrade.

I've been working on a custom sidebar, and wanted to add the user/welcome box, forum stats, and a new threads box.

Having a rudimentary understanding of html and php i was hoping i could just C+P the codes from the portal php files, sadly i was mistaken.

<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" class="tborder">
<td class="thead"><strong>{$lang->online}</strong></td>
<td class="trow1">
<span class="smalltext">
{$lang->online_users}<br /><strong>&raquo;</strong> {$lang->online_counts}<br />{$onlinemembers}
<br />

Inserting this into a div in my sidebar code, that would display on every page.
Can anyone tell me if my problem is as simple as adding a string of code to another php file or editing the above code.

Or am i bit over my head here?

Thanks in advance.
Where do you want the sidebar to be displayed? On the Index only? You might be able to edit the index page template file, meaning it will only display on the index.
Trying for every page, i've set up a fixed bar one one side to hold all the forum info.

Try the global template I guess.