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Trying to add space between the Founding Member image and the stars image. Took 2 snaps to show what I mean . . . .


Here I added a line break in my web editor to show what I want to accomplish in the global theme template

I went into desired theme theme>global.css>.trow1>edit:advanced thinking I would find the Founding Member image referred to there and could add some space around it or on top of it but couldn't find a reference to the image.
This image is only assigned to a one user group so maybe I'm not even in the correct place to accomplish what I want?
admin panel --> templates --> current theme's templates --> Post Bit Templates --> postbit_groupimage

put a <br /> at the beginning of the code & save the template ...
Saved it but didn't work. Did I do it as you wished . . .

^ yes, that should have worked ! you can try adding another <br />

OR you can add that <br /> in postbit template, after {$post['userstars']} like below :
<span class="smalltext">
	{$post['usertitle']}<br />
        <br />
I had already tried the two line breaks before posting and it didn't work (JFYI) but your second approach of adding it in the pb template worked perfectly!

Thanks Ranjani!Wink