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Full Version: Importing old database
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When I try to import my database with PhpMyAdmin it says...

SQL query:

-- MyBB Database Backup
-- Generated: 11th November 2011 at 22:22
-- -------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE `mybb_adminlog` (
`uid` int( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`ipaddress` varchar( 50 ) NOT NULL default '',
`dateline` bigint( 30 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`module` varchar( 50 ) NOT NULL default '',
`action` varchar( 50 ) NOT NULL default '',
`data` text NOT NULL ,
KEY `module` ( `module` , `action` )

MySQL said: Documentation
#1046 - No database selected 

Has an exclamation mark above the ipaddress
I've switched Web Hosting plans to another server host.
Quote:#1046 - No database selected

Select a database first before you import.
You're trying to import on the home page of PHPMyAdmin. Select your database that you want to use.