I transferred an old forum (files) from my Windows installation to Linux and re-run the installer because I didn't have a database backup. The first problem is that the theme is corrupt and not loading correctly, and secondly I am trying to access the admin CP and it won't load correctly (the login button).
Any ideas?
About theme, you could just save the theme's stylesheet by going to global.css again and it'd mostly solve your problem.
And what you mean what wouldn't load correctly?
Also forum URL?
For ACP, try re-uploading language files for admin cp.
The seemed to have work, but now I get:
"Your account is currently locked out after failing to login 5 times. You have been sent an email with instructions on how to unlock your account."
It sent the email with no contents.
EDIT: Solved the above problem, now for the theme!
Hmm, what exactly is the problem for theme? The one you shown in screenshot is default theme? or a custom?
It's supposed to be black, using custom CSS that I coded but it's display some orange green colour.
I was reading a thread the other day about rebuilding the theme when it goes corrupt, but I can't find it now.
You had a backup of your theme? (.xml one) or exported it locally anytime? If yes, you could import it back. I always take and export my themes and keep them in a safe place.
I guess I needed to back it up, but didn't, will have to re-do it.