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Full Version: Using api on Header
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I wont to use an opensource api from need for speed world on my header.
The api page is here :

the code I have for a single php is :

class Parser {  
  var $status;  
  var $xml_parser;  
  var $tagname;  
  function parser()  
    $file = "";  
    $this->xml_parser = xml_parser_create();  
    xml_set_element_handler($this->xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement");  
    xml_set_character_data_handler($this->xml_parser, 'elementContent');  
    if (!($fp = fopen($file, "r"))) {  
      die("Unable to read status");  
    while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) {  
      if (!xml_parse($this->xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) {  
        die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",   
  function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) {  
  function elementContent($parser, $data) {  
    switch ($this->tagname)  
      case 'STATUS' :  
  function endElement($parser, $name){  
$p = new Parser();  
if ($p->status == "UP") {   
  echo "The Need For Speed World servers are up and running!";  
elseif($p->status == "DOWN") {   
  echo "The NFS World servers are currently down!";   
else {  
  echo "Red light! Something went terribly wrong.";  

how can I show this single line "The Need For Speed World servers are up and running!" or down whatever. in my header next to the clock ?

simple method could be to use iframe html code for embeding that php file in header template !!