MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: should i install mybb 1.6.5 or is it still too buggy??
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Less bugs in 1.6.5 than 1.6.4 so the "buggy" claim doesn't make any sense. Just make sure to alter any plugins that also require updating. That's also very easy to do as well.

IMHO you should always upgrade within 2 weeks of any update.
Wow, in a few weeks 1.6.6 are already. I must wait for that, The plugins and mods are not a problema at all on new versions, only a few changes make works for some plugins, others have an upgrades or you have to search new one.

But i think if i'm up to date its a great form to protect my forum and bring it some new functions and more xD.
all good then i suppose?? i'm good with your answers!! thank you ^_^
Don't fret, do the upgrade and if you need help you can ask here friend Smile
thank you ^_^ this day is just getting better with all the nice people i cross paths with!!
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