MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: one more error shown please have a look.
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hi mates
i got one more error.Please have a look here.

[Image: 246mn80.jpg]

when i try to activate forum icon plugin then i am getting this error.
Would you please tell me how can i remove this?
Open plugin file and paste the contents of this plugin around function activate() code.
these 2 plugins i use.
* Forum Icons
* Copyright v1.2.2 DragonFever

function ficon_info()
return array(
"name" => "Forum Icons",
"description" => "Shows Forum Icons on Forumlist in Forumhome.",
"website" => "",
"author" => "DragonFever",
"authorsite" => "",
"version" => "1.2",

function ficon_activate()
global $db, $viewing;

$query = $db->query("ALTER TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums ADD (icon text NOT NULL)");

require '../inc/adminfunctions_templates.php';

find_replace_templatesets("forumbit_depth2_forum", '#'.preg_quote('{$theme[\'imgdir\']}/{$lightbulb[\'folder\']}.gif').'#', '{$theme[\'imgdir\']}/forumicons/{$lightbulb[\'folder\']}');

$fh = fopen('../admin/forums.php', "r") or cperror("Could not open file!"); //OPEN FILE
$data = fread($fh, filesize('../admin/forums.php')) or cperror("Could not read file!"); //MAKE TEMPORARY STRING
fclose($fh); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN
$newdata = preg_replace('#'.preg_quote('"defaultsortorder" => $db->escape_string($mybb->input[\'defaultsortorder\']),
$plugins->run_hooks("admin_forums_do_edit");').'#','"defaultsortorder" => $db->escape_string($mybb->input[\'defaultsortorder\']),
"icon" => $db->escape_string($mybb->input[\'icon\']),
$plugins->run_hooks("admin_forums_do_edit");',$data); //REPLACE IN STRING
$fw = fopen('../admin/forums.php', "w") or cperror('Could not open file!'); //OPEN FILE AGAIN
$fb = fwrite($fw, $newdata) or cperror('Could not write to file'); //WRITE STRING TO FILE
fclose($fw); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN

$fh = fopen('../inc/functions_forumlist.php', "r") or cperror("Could not open file!"); //OPEN FILE
$data = fread($fh, filesize('../inc/functions_forumlist.php')) or cperror("Could not read file!"); //MAKE TEMPORARY STRING
fclose($fh); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN
$newdata = preg_replace('#'.preg_quote('// This forum is closed, so override the folder icon with the "offlock" icon.
if($forum[\'open\'] == "no" || $locked)
$folder = "offlock";
$altonoff = $lang->forum_locked;
// Fetch the last read date for this forum
$forumread = my_get_array_cookie("forumread", $forum[\'fid\']);

// If the lastpost is greater than the last visit and is greater than the forum read date, we have a new post
if($lastpost[\'lastpost\'] > $mybb->user[\'lastvisit\'] && $lastpost[\'lastpost\'] > $forumread && $lastpost[\'lastpost\'] != 0)
$folder = "on";
$altonoff = $lang->new_posts;
// Otherwise, no new posts
$folder = "off";
$altonoff = $lang->no_new_posts;
// This forum is closed, so override the folder icon with the "offlock" icon.
if($forum[\'open\'] == "no" || $locked)
$folder = "offlock";
$altonoff = $lang->forum_locked;
// Fetch the last read date for this forum
$forumread = my_get_array_cookie("forumread", $forum[\'fid\']);

// If the lastpost is greater than the last visit and is greater than the forum read date, we have a new post
if($lastpost[\'lastpost\'] > $mybb->user[\'lastvisit\'] && $lastpost[\'lastpost\'] > $forumread && $lastpost[\'lastpost\'] != 0)
$folder = "on";
$altonoff = $lang->new_posts;
// Otherwise, no new posts
$folder = "off";
$altonoff = $lang->no_new_posts;
$folder = $forum[\'icon\'];
$altonoff = "";
}',$data); //REPLACE IN STRING
$fw = fopen('../inc/functions_forumlist.php', "w") or cperror('Could not open file!'); //OPEN FILE AGAIN
$fb = fwrite($fw, $newdata) or cperror('Could not write to file'); //WRITE STRING TO FILE
fclose($fw); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN

$fh = fopen('../admin/forums.php', "r") or cperror("Could not open file!"); //OPEN FILE
$data = fread($fh, filesize('../admin/forums.php')) or cperror("Could not read file!"); //MAKE TEMPORARY STRING
fclose($fh); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN
$newdata = preg_replace('#'.preg_quote('makeinputcode($lang->forum_password, "password", $forum[\'password\']);').'#','makeinputcode($lang->forum_password, "password", $forum[\'password\']);

tablesubheader("Forum Icon");
makeinputcode("Forum Icon", "icon", $forum[\'icon\']);',$data); //REPLACE IN STRING
$fw = fopen('../admin/forums.php', "w") or cperror('Could not open file!'); //OPEN FILE AGAIN
$fb = fwrite($fw, $newdata) or cperror('Could not write to file'); //WRITE STRING TO FILE
fclose($fw); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN


function ficon_deactivate()
global $db;

$query = $db->query("ALTER TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums DROP icon");

require '../inc/adminfunctions_templates.php';

find_replace_templatesets("forumbit_depth2_forum", '#'.preg_quote('{$theme[\'imgdir\']}/forumicons/{$lightbulb[\'folder\']}').'#', '{$theme[\'imgdir\']}/{$lightbulb[\'folder\']}.gif', 0);

$fh = fopen('../admin/forums.php', "r") or cperror("Could not open file!"); //OPEN FILE
$data = fread($fh, filesize('../admin/forums.php')) or cperror("Could not read file!"); //MAKE TEMPORARY STRING
fclose($fh); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN
$newdata = preg_replace('#'.preg_quote('"defaultsortorder" => $db->escape_string($mybb->input[\'defaultsortorder\']),
"icon" => $db->escape_string($mybb->input[\'icon\']),
$plugins->run_hooks("admin_forums_do_edit");').'#','"defaultsortorder" => $db->escape_string($mybb->input[\'defaultsortorder\']),
$plugins->run_hooks("admin_forums_do_edit");',$data); //REPLACE IN STRING
$fw = fopen('../admin/forums.php', "w") or cperror('Could not open file!'); //OPEN FILE AGAIN
$fb = fwrite($fw, $newdata) or cperror('Could not write to file'); //WRITE STRING TO FILE
fclose($fw); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN

$fh = fopen('../inc/functions_forumlist.php', "r") or cperror("Could not open file!"); //OPEN FILE
$data = fread($fh, filesize('../inc/functions_forumlist.php')) or cperror("Could not read file!"); //MAKE TEMPORARY STRING
fclose($fh); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN
$newdata = preg_replace('#'.preg_quote('if(empty($forum[\'icon\']))
// This forum is closed, so override the folder icon with the "offlock" icon.
if($forum[\'open\'] == "no" || $locked)
$folder = "offlock";
$altonoff = $lang->forum_locked;
// Fetch the last read date for this forum
$forumread = my_get_array_cookie("forumread", $forum[\'fid\']);

// If the lastpost is greater than the last visit and is greater than the forum read date, we have a new post
if($lastpost[\'lastpost\'] > $mybb->user[\'lastvisit\'] && $lastpost[\'lastpost\'] > $forumread && $lastpost[\'lastpost\'] != 0)
$folder = "on";
$altonoff = $lang->new_posts;
// Otherwise, no new posts
$folder = "off";
$altonoff = $lang->no_new_posts;
$folder = $forum[\'icon\'];
$altonoff = "";
}').'#','// This forum is closed, so override the folder icon with the "offlock" icon.
if($forum[\'open\'] == "no" || $locked)
$folder = "offlock";
$altonoff = $lang->forum_locked;
// Fetch the last read date for this forum
$forumread = my_get_array_cookie("forumread", $forum[\'fid\']);

// If the lastpost is greater than the last visit and is greater than the forum read date, we have a new post
if($lastpost[\'lastpost\'] > $mybb->user[\'lastvisit\'] && $lastpost[\'lastpost\'] > $forumread && $lastpost[\'lastpost\'] != 0)
$folder = "on";
$altonoff = $lang->new_posts;
// Otherwise, no new posts
$folder = "off";
$altonoff = $lang->no_new_posts;
}',$data); //REPLACE IN STRING
$fw = fopen('../inc/functions_forumlist.php', "w") or cperror('Could not open file!'); //OPEN FILE AGAIN
$fb = fwrite($fw, $newdata) or cperror('Could not write to file'); //WRITE STRING TO FILE
fclose($fw); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN

$fh = fopen('../admin/forums.php', "r") or cperror("Could not open file!"); //OPEN FILE
$data = fread($fh, filesize('../admin/forums.php')) or cperror("Could not read file!"); //MAKE TEMPORARY STRING
fclose($fh); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN
$newdata = preg_replace('#'.preg_quote('makeinputcode($lang->forum_password, "password", $forum[\'password\']);

tablesubheader("Forum Icon");
makeinputcode("Forum Icon", "icon", $forum[\'icon\']);').'#','makeinputcode($lang->forum_password, "password", $forum[\'password\']);',$data); //REPLACE IN STRING
$fw = fopen('../admin/forums.php', "w") or cperror('Could not open file!'); //OPEN FILE AGAIN
$fb = fwrite($fw, $newdata) or cperror('Could not write to file'); //WRITE STRING TO FILE
fclose($fw); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN


and 2nd one is.

ForumsIcons V1.0
© 2010 by Edson Ordaz

$plugins->add_hook("admin_forum_menu", "ForumsIcons_admin_nav");
$plugins->add_hook("admin_forum_action_handler", "ForumsIcons_action_handler");
$plugins->add_hook("admin_load", "ForumsIcons_admin");

function ForumsIcons_info()
return array(
"name" => "ForumsIcons",
"description" => "Pone iconos a los foros",
"website" => "",
"author" => "Edson Ordaz",
"authorsite" => "mailto:[email protected]",
"version" => "1.1",
"guid" => "f92dead66311a7197c5c0038f1bc6737"

function ForumsIcons_activate()
global $mybb, $db,$cache;
$db->query("ALTER TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums ADD icon VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'icon.gif' AFTER defaultsortorder");
require "../inc/adminfunctions_templates.php";
find_replace_templatesets("forumbit_depth1_cat", '#<td class="thead" colspan="5">#', '<td class="thead" colspan="6">');
find_replace_templatesets("forumbit_depth1_cat", '#<td class="tcat" colspan="2">#', '<td class="tcat" colspan="3">');
find_replace_templatesets("forumbit_depth2_forum", '#'.preg_quote('id="mark_read_{$forum[\'fid\']}" /></td>').'#', 'id="mark_read_{$forum[\'fid\']}" /></td><td class="{$bgcolor}" align="center" valign="top" width="1"><img src="Forum_Icons/{$forum[\'icon\']}" alt="{$forum[\'name\']}" /></td>');
find_replace_templatesets("forumdisplay_subforums", '#colspan="5"#', 'colspan="6"');
find_replace_templatesets("forumdisplay_subforums", '#<td class="tcat" width="2%">&nbsp;</td>#', '<td class="tcat" width="2%">&nbsp;</td><td class="tcat" width="2%">&nbsp;</td>');
find_replace_templatesets("forumbit_depth2_cat", '#'.preg_quote('<td class=\"{$bgcolor}\" valign=\"top\">').'#', '<td class=\"{$bgcolor}\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" width=\"1\"><img src=\"Forum_Icons/{$forum[\'icon\']}\" alt=\"{$forum[\'name\']}\" /></td><td class=\"{$bgcolor}\" valign=\"top\">');

function ForumsIcons_deactivate()
global $mybb, $db, $cache;

require "../inc/adminfunctions_templates.php";
find_replace_templatesets("forumbit_depth1_cat", '#'.preg_quote('<td class="thead" colspan="6">').'#', '<td class="thead" colspan="5">',0);
find_replace_templatesets("forumbit_depth1_cat", '#'.preg_quote('<td class="tcat" colspan="3">').'#', '<td class="tcat" colspan="2">',0);
find_replace_templatesets("forumbit_depth2_forum", '#'.preg_quote('<td class="{$bgcolor}" align="center" valign="top" width="1"><img src="Forum_Icons/{$forum[\'icon\']}" alt="{$forum[\'name\']}" /></td>').'#', '',0);
find_replace_templatesets("forumdisplay_subforums", '#'.preg_quote('colspan="6"').'#', 'colspan="5"',0);
find_replace_templatesets("forumdisplay_subforums", '#'.preg_quote('<td class="tcat" width="2%">&nbsp;</td><td class="tcat" width="2%">&nbsp;</td>').'#', '<td class="tcat" width="2%">&nbsp;</td>',0);
find_replace_templatesets("forumbit_depth2_cat", '#'.preg_quote('<td class="{$bgcolor}" align="center" valign="top" width="1"><img src="Forum_Icons/{$forum[\'icon\']}" alt="{$forum[\'name\']}" /></td>').'#', '',0);
$db->query("ALTER TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums DROP icon");

function ForumsIcons_action_handler(&$action)
$action['ForumIcons'] = array('active' => 'ForumIcons', 'file' => '');

function ForumsIcons_admin_nav(&$sub_menu)
global $mybb, $lang;
$lang->load("forum_icons", false, true);
$key = (key($sub_menu))+10;

$key = '110';

$sub_menu[$key] = array('id' => $lang->url, 'title' => $lang->name, 'link' => "index.php?module=forum/".$lang->url);


function ForumsIcons_admin()
global $mybb, $db, $page, $lang, $cache;

if($page->active_action != $lang->url)
$icon_dir = "Forum_Icons";
$forum_cache = cache_forums();
$img = "<img src=\"../".$icon_dir."/";
$img_delete = "<img src=styles/sharepoint/images/icons/delete.gif> ";
$img_edit = "<img src=styles/sharepoint/images/icons/success.gif> ";

if($mybb->input['action'] == "edit") {
$form = new Form("index.php?module=forum/".$lang->url."&amp;action=save", "post", "save",1);
echo $form->generate_hidden_field("fid", $mybb->input['fid']);
$form_container = new FormContainer("Cargar icono para el foro ".$forum_cache[$mybb->input['fid']]['name']);

$form_container->output_row($lang->icon, $lang->icon_des, $form->generate_file_upload_box("upload_icon", array('style' => 'width: 230px;')), 'file');
$form_container->output_row($lang->used_icon, $lang->used_des, "{$img}".$forum_cache[$mybb->input['fid']]['icon']."\" >", 'icon');

$buttons[] = $form->generate_submit_button($lang->submit);
if($mybb->input['action'] == "save")
$dirpath = MYBB_ROOT."Forum_Icons";
$file_type = $_FILES['upload_icon']['type'];
case "image/gif":
case "image/jpeg":
case "image/x-jpg":
case "image/x-jpeg":
case "image/pjpeg":
case "image/jpg":
case "image/png":
case "image/x-png":
$typeicon = 1;
$typeicon = 0;

if($typeicon == 0)

flash_message($lang->no_file, 'error');


if ($_FILES['upload_icon']['error'] == '0')
$icono_image = $_FILES['upload_icon']['tmp_name'];
$newfile = $dirpath . "/" . $_FILES['upload_icon']['name'];
if (!copy($icono_image, $newfile))

flash_message($lang->no_file_again, 'error');

$update = array(
"icon" => $_FILES['upload_icon']['name']
$db->update_query("forums", $update, "fid='".$db->escape_string($mybb->input['fid'])."'");


flash_message($lang->file_success, 'success');


flash_message($lang->no_file_again, 'error');


if($mybb->input['action'] == "delete")
$query = $db->simple_select("forums", "*", "fid='".intval($mybb->input['fid'])."'");
$forum = $db->fetch_array($query);

flash_message("Error", 'error');

// User clicked no

if($mybb->request_method == "post")
$db->query("UPDATE mybb_forums set icon='' where fid='{$forum['fid']}'");
flash_message($lang->saved, 'success');
$table = new Table;
$table->construct_header($lang->forums, array("width" => "50%"));
$table->construct_header($lang->fid, array("class" => "align_center", "width" => "5%"));
$table->construct_header($lang->forum_icon, array("class" => "align_center", "width" => "15%"));
$table->construct_header($lang->controls, array("class" => "align_center", "colspan" => 2, "width" => "20%"));

foreach($forum_cache as $forum)
if($forum['type'] != "c")
$table->construct_cell($forum['fid'], array("class" => "align_center"));
$table->construct_cell("{$img}".$forum['icon']."\" >", array("class" => "align_center"));
$table->construct_cell("<a href=\"index.php?module=forum/".$lang->url."&amp;action=edit&amp;fid={$forum['fid']}\">{$img_edit}".$lang->edit."</a>", array("class" => "align_center"));
$table->construct_cell("<a href=\"index.php?module=forum/".$lang->url."&amp;action=delete&amp;fid={$forum['fid']}&amp;my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}\" onclick=\"return AdminCP.deleteConfirmation(this, '{$lang->delete_onclick}')\">{$img_delete}".$lang->delete."</a>", array("class" => "align_center"));


Do not use the first plugin, its outdated.

In plugin 2, find;
$db->query("ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."forums` ADD `icon` VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'icon.gif' AFTER `defaultsortorder`");
and Comment out like this;
// $db->query("ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."forums` ADD `icon` VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'icon.gif' AFTER `defaultsortorder`");

Now activate the plugin.