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Full Version: Please help me logged in admincp
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My action:
Go to admincp -->Users & Groups-->Groups-->Administrators--> un check Yes, users of this group can access the admin CP.
--> Now i not login admincp

Please help me logged in admincp. Thanks a lot
I don't fully understand exactly what you're wanting, but I guess you mean you're having problems staying logged in to the ACP? If so, see the following - it's likely the cause.
what is your forum URL ? is it your own forum ? is your user id = 1 ?
My action:
Go to admincp -->Users & Groups-->Groups-->Administrators--> un check Yes, users of this group can access the admin CP.
--> Now i not login admincp
Ples help me
Well that wasn't exactly a good idea. Open phpmyadmin and run the following query:

UPDATE 'database'.'mybb_usergroups' SET cancp = 1 WHERE gid = 4

Obviously, replace 'database' with your database name and replace the prefix if you've changed it.
Edit : not seen above response Smile

oh! you need to run an SQL query for your database (may be you have phpMyAdmin)

UPDATE `mybb_usergroups` SET `cancp` = '1' WHERE `gid` = '4'; 
you might also need below query
DELETE FROM `mybb_datacache` WHERE `title` = 'usergroups'; 
Thank you!
I change cancp=1 in gid = 4 but not success.
I saw in the forum to log into the admincp cancp = 0 in gid = 4
do you still have cancp=0 for gid=4 ? have you tried the second query ?
(2011-12-24, 04:20 PM)traiphonuiktvn Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you!
I change cancp=1 in gid = 4 but not success.
I saw in the forum to log into the admincp cancp = 0 in gid = 4

Where about did you see that? o.O

Also, is it working now or not? You'll need to flush the usergroups cache as ranjani said. Do you use the database cache or an alternative (eg: disk, emmcache, eAccelerator, xCache)?
oh yeah!
Thank you very much!
Love euanto and rainjani.
I success.