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Full Version: Multiple select problem
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Hi there folks, I'm quite sure this is a bug because it happens in the default theme too, you have two printscreens here:

Here, I'm selecting those three threads so I can close them up:

After selecting and clicking on Go (3), I get this message:

Though, I am logged in, my session did not expire. Anybody else got bumped into this problem !?

Same thing in the administration panel, selecting multiple users:

After clicking on "Go" Button I get this error:

I want you to know that I made a fresh and clean install of MyBB 1.6.5, I am using Google Chrome and JavaScript is enabled !
change cookie domain to and check if the multi-selection works ...

admin panel --> configuration --> settings --> general configuration ..

if above suggestion doesn't work then ask your webhost if they are using mod security firewall system
I use the forum on a subdomain, how should I set the cookie domain in this case ? Or would be enough ?
Though, I don't have problems with the cookies.

Anyway, I'll get back with an edit, just to let you know if that worked.

Later edit:
No, that didn't work, I flushed the browser cookies, the problem still remains. I'll check with Opera and Firefox now.
see cookies guide ; AND may be its a mod security related issue ..

edit : also ensure that your myBB files are not corrupt
run file verification tool from tools & maintenance section of admin panel ..
It returns only missing files from the /install folder which I deleted for security reasons. Though, I replied to that cookie problems thread that you wrote me.
I added Google Chrome Cookie Editor plugin to check if the cookie is created while checking the threads for inline moderation, and the cookie is saved. There's a problem for sure at the mybb source code.

Image here, it says no inline moderation threads selected,though the cookie shows them as selected:
[Image: 52761984.png]

You can see that cookie "inlinemod_forum7" (7 is the forum id, 5 - 19 - 3 are the thread ids), thats quite a proof that the mybb doesn't do it's job correctly, maybe you should check the code again. MyBB 1.6 worked fine on this host, upgrading to 1.6.5 was a really nasty thing.