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Full Version: Problem in loading
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whenever I try going into the forum, I get "The page cannot be displayed". I tried from 5 different computers, in 2 it had that problem. deleting the temp internet files seldom works. Today a friend told me he tries to log in, but has the same problem. any ideas why?
This happens only with internet explorer (I don't why people use it !!! my forum always has problems with IE only)

so is this from the forum cache ?
rayessebek Wrote:the forum
What forum would this be?
Did you install any modifications/plugins?

Can you go into Admin CP --> Settings --> Server and Optimization Options and select "Yes" for the "Send Standard Headers" option and see if that fixes the problem?
I have many plugins installed.
it didn't fixed the problem (still showing server not found)
do you think the problem is from my webserver ?

and another thing, when I open the forum index the page sometimes doesn't show completly. (a hosting admin once told me that if I have gzip compression on my website will not work properly, bcz he has gzip compression on too)

All pages seem to load perfectly fine here so I'm guessing is more a problem with your connection.

Also - in regards to the Gzip page compression, you can disable it in the Admin CP under Settings and then Server & Optimization Settings.
