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Full Version: Posting audio-only files
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How do we post an audio-only file in mybb? Should it be saved as a wav file, mp3 etc.? I realize this may not be a mybb-specific question, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet & have posted them in SMF some years ago.
You need to allow/set up the attachment type in the ACP.
Ah yes that makes sense. I'll try to figure that out before asking how. If I can't I'll come back and ask thanks for the reply..
No problem. I come on here to help for the most part!

Add a new attachment type: ACP > Configuration > Attachment Types
Set the appropriate file extension and mime type.
(2012-01-03, 01:29 AM)Solidus Wrote: [ -> ]
Add a new attachment type: ACP > Configuration > Attachment Types
Set the appropriate file extension and mime type.

I believe there is also a link to a website in the ACP. Not sure though.
I did get it to work somewhat . . . .

I tested it in my forum sandbox. When I upload the wav file (which is the attach type I chose - maybe there's a better choice?) into a post and click it after posting, the only option it offers is to save the file to my computer. I'd rather have a player open, but is this only something that can be controlled at the users' end?
I am kinda stumped here. But that is a browser behavior AFAIK.
By default MyBB will force a download for all non-image files. Even if you modified MyBB to not force a download, it would be up to browser behaviour either to use a browser plugin to play file file in a new window, or to offer it as a download.

You could modify MyBB to present a player for audio uploads, but that is a lot more complex.
Okay then. I'll mark this as solved and forget about audio files. Thanks for the replies.
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