MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Hightlight the text:Moderated By:someboday
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I want to highlight some text which belowed the subforum title (Moderated By:###). can I add some CSS attribute to these text, or just change the color , font style...etc.
where can I make this little change.

In the Admin CP, click "Modify / Delete" under the Templates menu and then expand the template set you're using. Then click on "Forum Bit Templates" and "edit" or "change original" on "forumbit_moderators".

The template should contain the following:
<br />$lang->forumbit_moderated_by $moderators

Change it to:
<br /><span style="color: red;">$lang->forumbit_moderated_by $moderators</span>

And they will display in red - from there, you can just edit the style for yourself.
