MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: My Notepad's Forum Does Not Work Well
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My forum is using mybb 1.6.5 and when i'll try to access notepad.
The notepad didnt show anything. This screenshot:
[Image: ubHgt.png]
how to fix it?
What kind of tablet/notepad is it?

You can download this app called tapatalk (put it on your forum first) and it's made for when people access your site via mobile devise I would check into that.

I've just look through the code and it doesn't make any mention of an area with the URL specified in your image. Are you sure this isn't from a mod that you may have uninstalled?
mybb still offline till now, if i and i just find blank page like that's image
AdminCP > Templates > Your theme's templates > User Control Panel templates > and if "usercp_notepad" title is in green color, then revert it back to default. If not then please paste the code here using [code] tags.
The notepad page was removed in 1.6.0 IIRC. If you have a link to it in your User CP then your theme is outdated, it should now be on the main User CP (below your subscribed threads/latest threads) page just like it is here. You'll need to update your templates.