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Full Version: offline board template
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hi everybody,
when you close the board, users can only see a custom message "board closed. we will be back in a moment" or things like that.
where is the template that shows that message? :|
i can't find it...
can you help me, please? Smile

thank you in advance for your help Wink
it is a message from global.lang.php file

$l['error_boardclosed'] = "This bulletin board is currently closed. The Administrator has specified the reason as to why below.";

related variable : $boardclosed_reason

initiated through global.php

// If the board is closed, the user is not an administrator and they're not trying to login, show the board closed message
if($mybb->settings['boardclosed'] == 1 && $mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1 && !in_array($current_page, $closed_bypass) && (!is_array($closed_bypass[$current_page]) || !in_array($mybb->input['action'], $closed_bypass[$current_page])))
	// Show error
	$lang->error_boardclosed .= "<blockquote>{$mybb->settings['boardclosed_reason']}</blockquote>";