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Full Version: Google ads not working on upgrade
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I upgraded my board last night to 1.6.5 and now am having issues with Google Ads and other javascript things not showing up.

I updated other boards and am NOT having this issue.

I installed a CLEAN test board and tried it out with the same results - ads won't show.

I ran the Plugin Update script to update all the hooks.

Some plugins that worked in the past are not working now either. Some don't use any javascript at all.

Checked the plugins and all are up to date as well. It's also not a matter of age on them, its' a mix of old and new plugins giving me grief.

Everything else on the board works fine. I just don't understand how some of my boards are not affected but two are. Any clues?
Maybe you're using an ad blocker? If a fresh installation of the latest MyBB release still doesn't show ads then that's odd.
It's not just ads, any plugin with javascript or any extra javascript code inserted into a template, like my countdown timer that worked for the last 7 years and now suddenly it does not work.

Ad blockers are not the problem. I have the exact same plugins and codes on another forum that I upgraded and it works just fine.
Forum URL?

Please keep in mind I turned off everything that is not working.
When the plugins are activated, the codes ARE in the templates where they should be.
its better if you could seek help of your web host or support team here ...