MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: version 1.6.3 problem connecting to server
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The subject pretty much sums it up. I havent dont much work to the forum in awhile, but found a new plugin I would like to add. When I go to browse plugins I get this error:

The following errors were encountered:
There was a problem communicating with the MyBB modifications server. Please try again in a few minutes.

I thought ok maybe I need to update the forum, realized 1.6.5 was the newest version, so I go to version check and once again get an error:

The following errors were encountered:
There was a problem communicating with the version server. Please try again in a few minutes.

What can I do to get around this?
may be your webhost is not allowing communication with remote myBB server ! I can check latest myBB version & browse plugins also works ..
however browse plugins gives a simple list of useful plugins - nothing more than that from admin panel .. instead navigate Mods section

Edit : browse plugins page also has remote searching facility which finds plugins at Mods section & shows results on admin panel ...
I didnt have this problem before? I dont understand why my webhost would block it all of a sudden? I actually already downloaded the plugin I want, now I just need to upload it. I assumed I would do it on the same screen where I can browse plugins?
plugin files are to be uploaded thru a ftp program (eg. filezilla) OR webhost panel's file manager ...
another method is using plugin uploader - it has to be uploaded & installed first - later can be used for other plugins
what folder do I upload the plugin to? do I unzip it into the folder, or is it like wordpress where you leave the file zipped? Sorry for the dumb questions, set this forum up over a year ago, and havent had to touch anything like this since, so ive practually forgotten alot that ive learned when building it
ok, I found out that I need to add the IP of the MyBB server to my allow list so that I can connect to it. How do I find out what the IP is?
If on windows:
Start >
If on Win7/Vista, type cmd.
If on XP, go to Run > then type "cmd"
Once the "black box" opens, type "ping" without the quotes.

If on a Mac, you can go to /Applications/Utilities and open Terminal. Or, you can go into the top right corner where Spotlight is, and then type in "Terminal" then Enter.

On the Mac, same thing. Once the command-line appears with its prompt, type "ping" w/o quotes.
(2012-02-04, 05:55 AM)trizzypballr Wrote: [ -> ]ok, I found out that I need to add the IP of the MyBB server to my allow list so that I can connect to it. How do I find out what the IP is?

Quote:where is the my allow list