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Full Version: A Little Lost (Most Likely a Lot)
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Very first post, I probably shouldn't even be posting here because I'm going to sound like I don't know what I'm doing.

I'm a moderator on a MyBB site, The Twisted Underground. Two days ago our admin guru did a version upgrade to the software (which we were four releases behind) and since I have lost the features pictures on the home page of the site. It seems that some have had a problem and others not. Also, our post count stars went from small and professional looking to blown out of porportion stuffed cartoonish looking stars, too big for the avatar frame area.

I currently have Microsft Windows XP, Media Center Edition, version 2002, Service Pack 3, accessing the site through Google Chrome with Comcast High Speed Cable.

I know my system is antiquated, but works quite well for my meeger computer needs.

Any help would be appreciated. Our tech guy does this part time and is not available due to other pressing issues.

And again I apologize if I'm in the wrong spot here.

I don't know which features pictures you're talking about, but the stars issue can be easily fixed by replacing the ./images/star.gif image with the previous one.
I think he is talking about plugins not working again (seems after a theme change too maybe?). If so try deactivating all of your plugins and then re-activating them one by one. It'll automatically put the plugins "calls" back onto all of your themes, new or old.
Just so whomever may answer my posts, my technologically savviness in this part of the computer world is waaaayyyyy below the layman level, so please bear with me.

The feature pictures are on the home page when first accessing the site or just visiting without logging in. It has several pictures that you can scroll down to indicate what the forum is about. The left side is a column that has members names on line, guest counts, and last threads posted.

If you access and see pictures of autos on the page, that's what I don't see anymore since those upgrades were made a couple days ago.
I'm the admin of the site - yes, I upgraded from 1.6.0 to 1.6.5.

So far the home page issue (portal) appears to be an issue with older IE versions - it loads properly in Firefox, Chrome, and IE 9.0. So if anyone know of anything that changed about Portal between 1.6.0 and 1.6.5 (I'm dreading looking through all the changelogs), that might have impacted display on older versions of IE, I'm all ears.

As for the stars - they're the same 16X16 stars as before, so I'm not sure what the issue might be there. We are running a custom theme, so I'm not sure how they could be impacted - I'll follow up with some more of the mods to figure out what they are seeing on their end.

TC - Cross Web Development
TC, I do access TU via Google Chrome, still experiencing the no featured pictures on the home page. A thank you for taking care of the stars issue.