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Full Version: Uploading Issue
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Basically I managed to upload one zip file yesterday and since then I have not been able to upload anymore.

I have checked the boards settings to make sure the member groups I want to be able to upload can, I have also set the attachements types and max file size and also the maximum upload by user but still nothing avails.

Any help would be appreciated.

Please make sure that the folder uploads in your forum's directory is writable (CHMOD 777). Please rebuild all caches in the cache manager in your Admin-CP. See if that fixes your problem.
Situation Not Resolved.

Any help would be appreciated
Do you get an error message?
Nope instead of it completing the upload what happens is it waits ages trying to upload the file and then returns back to the post screen with no attached files and the current quota already used being the same as it was
What's the size of the file you try to upload? And what's its extension (zip, gif,...)?
Extension - ZIP
Size - 5.44MB
What is your post_max_size?

You can find this via Admin CP > Maintanence > View PHP Info
I couldnt see it?
asa_201 Wrote:I couldnt see it?

Look for "upload_max_filesize"
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