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Full Version: Group leaders set group as default
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Is it possible to allow group leaders setting new members as default group? If yes, how? If not, is there any plugin which allows that? I use MyBB 1.6.6.
And up agaaain...
Come on, it's not that hard to answer yes/no.
Could someone answer PLEASE?
Just to confirm, you looking for a method that allows group leaders to set the primary group new members of that group, to that group?

For example, Coding leader can set a new recruits primary group to Coders?

[If that doesnt sound do confusing]
WOW, answer.

Anyways yes, I'm searching a way to set primary (default) group by leader of group when adding new members.
The chances you havent had a reply earlier is that the question isnt 100% clear.
Ive had a look an I cannot see a way of allowing the group leaders to set the users display group as the joined group.
This looks like it would have to be left for th user, or an admin on the forum.
Sorry if it wasn't clear with 'default' or whatever but noone except you asked to clear it. Anyways, thought that it's impossible. Isn't there any plugin for that? Or maybe perhaps someone knows how to make such a button in PHP?
It's one of few phpBB features I'm missing in MyBB, it was really useful for my site where few people without AdminCP access needed to set group as default.