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Full Version: File Archive Plugin
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I'm working on a plugin called the "File Archive Plugin". This will include:
  • Adding New Files
  • Administrating New File Submissions (Optional)
  • Rating Files
  • Reviewing Files
  • Administrating/Accepting Revies of Files (Optional)
  • Et cetera

Note: I will edit this thread periodically as I develop.

The following are the steps that I am taking to achieve my goal:

  1. Create the list of steps to completion
  2. Create the database documentation (internal)
  3. Create the database plugin
  4. Create the bare-bones of the main plugin
  5. Create the settings
  6. Create the Author CP (for viewing files and reviews (and possibly ratings) of a file author, if any exist)
  7. Create a file submission form, and the validation, etc
  8. Create the administration forms for the files
  9. Create a file-view and category-view
  10. Create a function for submitting reviews on the file form
  11. Create a function for administering reviews
  12. Create a ratings function
  13. Create top-lists for various statistings, and the sorting of files by download statistics on the category-view
  14. Integrate with the MyBB search form
  15. Add a link to the Author CP on the User CP, and vice versa
  16. Improvement of administration functions
  17. Add a toplist or newest files function to the Portal
  18. Cosmetic tweaks, etc. Beta testing.

(Please note, Bolded Green Text indicates completion of a step, Orange Text indicates working on a step, and Red Text indicates non-completion of a step...)

Oh, and be sure to suggest features! Smile

Of course, this is a fairy ambitious project. Nonetheless, I expect to finish this project by the end of August. (This does not necessarily include beta-testing.)

UPDATE: The database creation plugin is operational! Now working on main plugin, the settings, and the author CP!
Make sure there is a list of filetypes to accept, and also the maxsize.

I would love to be a beta tester Toungue
Thanks for the suggestions!

About the beta-testing: I'm sorry, but I cannot accept betatesters yet. I will make an announcement when I am ready, and then you can sign up.

Or, email me at admin [AT] ticalcs [DOT] net, and I will sign you up automatically when the time comes. Smile
Woah. By the end of august? You must be some freaking fast programmer!
I can't wait to try it out. Smile
Tikitiki Wrote:Woah. By the end of august? You must be some freaking fast programmer!

Yeah, I'll try to be as fast as possible. Smile

EDIT: Well, actually, the speed of completion depends on template use. It will take more time to finish the project if I base it on templates rather than pure PHP. I shall try to balance the two as best as I can.
I have updated my initial post with my progress. 3/18 are totally finished and 3/18 working on. That makes for 12/18 to do.
4 hours and you've already got three more thigns done?

Nice, wish I could work that fast. Smile
This project is progressing nicely, if a bit slower than anticipated.