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Full Version: mybb datacache problem
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it says: Fatal error: [SQL] [1146] Table 'u303336679_sas.mybb_datacache' doesn't exist
SELECT title,cache FROM mybb_datacache in /home/u303336679/public_html/inc/db_mysql.php on line 550

My site is
and i cant start over i have too much done
Nevermind Close I Got It
and i cant start over i have too much done....

Easy Way:
You do have a recent backup, or any backup of the database?
1) Import the backup into any extra (temporary) db
2) export only the datacache table
3) Import into your real forum

Other Way:
No backup? Angel

1) Use a temp DB to create a brand new test site.
2) export only the datacache table (you just need the structure, not the data)
3) Import into your real forum
4) The data will/should get replaced (filled back in) w/ normal use. If not head to your ACP and start "rebuilding some caches" Smile