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Full Version: Update instruction
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Now I am using mybb 1.6.5. Please tell me how to update 1.6.6
[Wiki: Upgrading] (Broken link, head over to instead)
Edit : not seen above response Smile

see [Wiki: Upgrading] (Broken link, head over to instead) ; use changed files package OR the full package .. in either method you have to overwrite few / many files ..
if you have modifications in theme & language files then its better to keep a backup of required files . also keep a backup of database
do not forget to run the upgrade script ( ./install/upgrade.php )
First, you may want to shut down your forum. Doing this means that no one will interrupt the upgrade process accidentally. Please remember that switching the forum by using the "Board Online/Offline" setting IS NOT recommended. The best method is to use a .htaccess restriction on your forum's root folder so that no one can access the front end. There are various tutorials on search engines that help you do this and some hosts (especially ones that give you cPanel) provide simple tools to do this.

It is confusing (.htaccess restriction on your forum's root folder so that no one can access the front end.) Please tell me about this step.
^ well, if you do not have other administrators disturbing the update process then you need not worry about htaccess closing method
here is an example of suggested htaccess method
Sir when I replace my update file then suddenly my cpanel ( /public_html is showing This directory is empty.) and my cpanel harddisk show 136 mb used . I am depressed.
Please guide me
^ it could be a bug in your webhost server - log out from the file manager / ftp program & try after sometime ...
(2012-02-18, 03:27 PM)ranjani Wrote: [ -> ]^ it could be a bug in your webhost server - log out from the file manager / ftp program & try after sometime ...

Sir I tried logout and then after 20 min login but problem still there and site show nothing (The resource requested could not be found on this server!) and cpanel showing ([a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive]). Please tell me how to remove this problem.
Who is your host? I have never seen this problem. Although, i have had a few glitches so i would reset your modem/router and restart your computer and try again, if it's till doing it. Contact your host.