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Full Version: MYBB Board is getting VVVVV Slow!!
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From my past experience, memory server should be same (or more) than your database size (MySQL). And you have to tune your server, by using mysqltuner (for example). It's not MyBB related.

Could you please mention the plugins installed? Also, the MyBB debug stats during peak (slow load)?
Thank you all for replies...
Here is the top command results as requested
[Image: topcommand.png]

And for the plugin list here it is:
1: Registration Checkboxes Plugin (1.2)
2: SignHeightLimit (1.0)
3: A clear news bar (1.0)
4: Add Forum Options (2.2)
5: Adstats (3.0)
6: Akismet (1.2.1)
7: Default Avatar (1.0)
8: Donation Page (2.1)
9: Favicon in address bar (1.0.1)
10: Fit on Page (2.3)
11: Google Analytics (1.5)
12: Google Plus One Button (1.0)
13: Google SEO (1.1.13)
14: Usergroup Legend by HSC Community (2.0)
15: Browsing Location on Postbit (1.0)
16: Move Posts (1.1)
17: Donate Icon Postbit-Member Profile (1.0)
18: Pro Attachments (1.0)
19: Profile Comments (0.9.0)
20: ProStats (1.7.7)
21: Quick Reply PM (1.3)
22: Site Notice (1.1)
23: Spell Check (1.4.1)
24: My Thread Decorator (1.0)
25: Thanks (3.9)
26: Unanswered Posts (1.0)
27: Undo Delete (1.2.1)
28: View Unread Posts (1.8)
29: VIP Membership (1.5)

Thats all....
But as I said I didnt touch any of these and they were working for two years like a charm without any trouble...
Also I disabled some of them.

Thanks in advance.

MySQL is using a lot of CPU, restart it and monitor it to see if it starts to use a lot again.
(2012-02-18, 05:48 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]MySQL is using a lot of CPU, restart it and monitor it to see if it starts to use a lot again.
Thanks for reply...
This Snap shot is taken just after server restart.
If I restart server it will work for 1 min fast then starts to get worse and after 5 to 10 min aprrox it will start to shutdown so u have to refresh page many times to get it online.

What is the next step?
Here is another snap shot:
[Image: top2command.png]

Thanks and regards,

Yeah seems there's something wrong with your MySQL configuration then. Can you post the contents of your MySQL config file here?
(2012-02-18, 06:26 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah seems there's something wrong with your MySQL configuration then. Can you post the contents of your MySQL config file here?
Thanks for reply...
Could u please guide me where is this file exactly in my site root?

Thanks in advance.
Have you optimised your MySQL configuration at all? As Matt said, that definitely seems to be the main issue here though you also seem to have a lot of Apache processes running.
(2012-02-18, 06:41 PM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]Have you optimised your MySQL configuration at all? As Matt said, that definitely seems to be the main issue here though you also seem to have a lot of Apache processes running.

Thanks for reply...
I run out this two commands:
mysqlcheck -r -A --auto-repair -p
mysqlcheck -c --optimize -p

And the site is still slow and unstable.

Best regards.
I mean have you modified the my.cnf MySQL configuration file at all? Please post your my.cnf file's contents here.
(2012-02-18, 06:51 PM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]I mean have you modified the my.cnf MySQL configuration file at all? Please post your my.cnf file's contents here.
Thanks again for reply...
I never played with this file and even though I dont know where it's location.
Also could u please guide me where it is so I posted to check?

Thanks and regards.

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