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Full Version: Can someone test please?
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hi guys

ive just transferred my domain & transferred the database etc, but been having probs with the domain etc. Also been having probs with attatchments since the transfer of my doamin/database.

Can someone please check by logging in & creating a quick post with an attatchment.

my board url is:

username: test
password: test123

Also on the home page you should see some thumbnails at the top of home page (these are actually thumbnails of attatchments pulled from a forum id) but i was having probs with these showing due to the prob with attatchments! Sad

anyway if someone can test the url for me & log in to see if attatchments work this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Smile
hmm., thumbnails & full attachments are not showing for me .. (test URL & image) - tested on firefox & chrome ..
thats the prob i cant sort Sad idea why they aint showing & ive made a post about it but no one from support replied :/
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