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Full Version: how to show a message to user
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hi all,

is there any default message or notification showing method present in mybb like error or flash_message. for user.

i want to show a custom message when user publish a post.

i do not want to include or change any templete. i want any builtin-functionality.
no body yet replied, even support team or devlopers .......
sure, i works but what is title and my message is not displaying.
it is redirecting but no message on page.
i am using
redirect("/misc.php?action=ok", $message="you done it.", $title="My new title");
You don't need to specify the variable.

redirect("/misc.php?action=ok", "Message", "Title"); 
message is not printing. do i need any additional variable to initialize?

i am writing my custom template there.

 global $header, $headerinclude, $usercpnav, $footer, $mybb, $theme, $db, $lang, $templates, $uid, $multipage , $errors ;

    $pages = array();
    if ($mybb->input['action'] == "ok" ) {
        $pages['name'] = 'ok';

$template = <<<PAGE
        <title> {$mybb->settings['bbname']} - {$pages['name']} </title>
        <table width="100%" border="0" align="center">
                <td valign="top">

        add_breadcrumb($pages['name'], "misc.php?action=ok");
        $template = str_replace("\'", "'", addslashes($template));
        eval("\$index = \"" . $template . "\";");