MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: adding social share buttons for mybb ??
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Hello, I want to add Google+, twitter and facebook share buttons in my threads like the below example...

[Image: 288b15c.jpg]

is there any way to achieve that ?? pls help ?
see Social Share Thread AND ishare plugin ; if you search, there can be different methods & plugins for the required purpose ..
I m interested in sharing widget. I want to add that widget to my threads .. how can I do that ???
I already registered on that site. I just want to know how can I add their sharing widget code in my forum ..
just managed to add that code successfully

Go to ACP » Template Sets » [ Your theme Templates ]

Edit Template: showthread

After :
<div class="float_left">

Paste this Code:
<div style="margin-top: 6px; padding-right: 10px;" class="float_left">

----your addthis code here------


just posted the steps, so in the future someone might benefit from this thread Smile
Thanks a Lot for This Tutorial Shaun Smile
I have tried and working perfectly!!
Friends, try this AddThis plugin