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I can create usergroup. But for some reason, when you click on the group to make changes, and you click save, I get a random MYSQL error.

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'cansharethreads' in 'field list'
UPDATE forum_usergroups SET `type`='2', `title`='UTPD', `description`='', `namestyle`='UTPD: {username}', `usertitle`='', `stars`='0', `starimage`='images/star.gif', `image`='', `isbannedgroup`='0', `canview`='1', `canviewthreads`='1', `canviewprofiles`='1', `candlattachments`='1', `canpostthreads`='1', `canpostreplys`='1', `canpostattachments`='1', `canratethreads`='1', `caneditposts`='1', `candeleteposts`='1', `candeletethreads`='1', `caneditattachments`='1', `canpostpolls`='1', `canvotepolls`='1', `canundovotes`='0', `canusepms`='1', `cansendpms`='1', `cantrackpms`='1', `candenypmreceipts`='1', `pmquota`='200', `maxpmrecipients`='5', `cansendemail`='1', `maxemails`='5', `canviewmemberlist`='1', `canviewcalendar`='1', `canaddevents`='1', `canbypasseventmod`='0', `canmoderateevents`='0', `canviewonline`='1', `canviewwolinvis`='0', `canviewonlineips`='0', `cancp`='0', `issupermod`='0', `cansearch`='1', `canusercp`='1', `canuploadavatars`='1', `canchangename`='0', `showforumteam`='0', `usereputationsystem`='1', `cangivereputations`='1', `reputationpower`='1', `maxreputationsday`='5', `maxreputationsperuser`='0', `maxreputationsperthread`='0', `attachquota`='0', `cancustomtitle`='1', `canwarnusers`='0', `canreceivewarnings`='1', `maxwarningsday`='0', `canmodcp`='0', `showinbirthdaylist`='1', `canoverridepm`='0', `canusesig`='1', `canusesigxposts`='0', `signofollow`='0', `candisplaygroup`='1', `cansharethreads`='0' WHERE gid='8'

However, when I checked my usergroup column in PHPMYADMIN, there was no table called "cansharethreads". Yet I receive this message.
What is your MyBB version?
Do you recently upgrade to 1.6.6?
What plugins you have activated?
(2012-02-29, 01:50 AM)cfillion Wrote: [ -> ]What is your MyBB version?
Do you recently upgrade to 1.6.6?
What plugins you have activated?

I installed 1.6.6 directly.
Here are few plugins:
  • Help Center
  • IP Log History
  • iShare
  • Tabbed Menu

That is it.
The problem come from the "iShare" plugin.
Re-install it.