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Full Version: Change the poster's username
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Sometimes, I receive an article by email form a user who does not know yet how to post it in the forum
So, as a moderator, I post the message in the appropriate forum, but afterward I need to edit the post to put the original post author name instead of mine
Is there any tip or plugin to do it?
Can't you just tell them how to post a new thread? It's three simple clicks, I'm sure they can manage that.

There's even a help document about it:

Imho, that would be a lot easier than having to post a message for them each time..
You are talking about a totally different approach
their posts are sometimes simply complicated: inline drawings, tables.. etc

Anyway, I found a plugin doing the job
The only drawback is that if I input a new username in arabic (non latin characters) it complains about "The specified username could not be found!"
I tested with new usename in latin characters and it worked flawlessly
I suspect the buggy code is here:
	// saerch for the UID
		$uid = $db->fetch_field($db->simple_select('users', 'uid', 'LOWER(username)="'.strtolower($update_array['username']).'"'), 'uid');
		if(!$uid) error('The specified username could not be found!');
		$update_array['uid'] = $uid;
But dont now how to fix it
Can anyone help me to fix it
I attached the file below
Any help how to make the above code UTF compatible?
i'm manually moving threads & posts over from a 'proboards' (yeah yeah) forum and while I don't mind the occasional half hour of cut & paste between forums when I did this when we used phpbb there was an option in the post moderation to simply change the username of the post with a dropdown menu.
do we have the function in myBB?