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Full Version: Change panel style?
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Some themes have a completely different panel. How do they do that?


That's just a vague example. Here's another:

How can I change up the style of it?
Home » Themes » Default Editing global.css
#panel {
(2012-03-02, 03:42 AM)seeker Wrote: [ -> ]ACP:
Home » Themes » Default Editing global.css
#panel {

Yes, I know that obviously but how do they change the shape and such? Is it an image or something?
It's just altered css =3 In those cases (if I'm identifying panel right) I believe they edited the template so that the panel is outside the main content or container div, and then just changed the css so that it stretched across the entire page. Divs will naturally stretch across the full width if there is no css controlling how wide they should be with padding, margins, or a definite width.

However, in the case of the WWE Forums, they likely used a gradient image to give the background that feel.