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Full Version: Security Alert, The file you are uploading was rejected by the server.
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Everything was ok but suddenly from today a strange error seems to be appear. In my forum site when I login as admin and try to post a new thread; A strange message appears which I have never seen before, it is >>
Security Alert
The file you are uploading was rejected by the server.
It probably contents viruses or trojans that can damage your website

Do not attempt to upload it again as your IP address may be blocked.

The url of this page is >> www. my-website-name/cgi-sys/amplugin.shtml

Strange thing is that- when I login as a registered member and post new thread; it works fine.
I tried to create new user and giving it administration power and then tried to post new thread but same errors appears. It is working with registered users but not with admin.

I have tried all means but failed. Errors seems to appear all of sudden, I haven't altered anything.

can someone help where to look.
I have contact my hosting service provider, they says the issue in the forum script.
I unable to post new threads as admin not even by creating a new admin.
I unable to post new threads as admin not even by creating a new admin.
MyBB does not use cgi-sys folder, nor does it have a file called amplugin and it does not use the shtml file extension.

This is an issue with your server/host or some other script you are running. It is NOT a MyBB issue