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Full Version: Let users post threads but not let any others see them
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I'm looking for a way to still let people create threads in a set categories/forum but once posted not let anyone else see the threads apart from set user groups. Is there anyway of doing so with mybb or is there a plugin out there that can do this? I have looked for plugin's but haven't seen anything that fits all the roles.

Yes. Change the permissions of groups you don't want to dee the thread. Go to permissions and remove the tick from "Can see threads" And then that group members can't see the thread in that forum.
People are confused with the options of permissions for "Private forums" in MyBB 1.6 . This small guide will walk through the easy steps to setup these permissions.

For example, if you want to make a forum as private and restrict "Registered" user group to see only there own threads within that specific forum, then Go to : ACP > Forums and Management > Select Forum > Edit > Permissions > and "Check" and "Un-check" the options below;

Permissions: for Registered User Group
Can view forum? [Checked]
Can view threads within forum? [Checked]
Can only view own threads? [Checked]
Can download attachments? [Checked]

Permissions: for Admin's and Mods
Can view forum? [Checked]
Can view threads within forum? [Checked]
Can only view own threads? [Un-Checked]
Can download attachments? [Checked]

+ Here Admins and Mods are those User Group who can see every one's thread / posts.
+ Here Registered are those User Group who can only there own created threads / posts.