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Full Version: I had to shut down forum....
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my forum has not been up a week, and i had to shut down the forum...

The profile link spammers are constant...

I wish there was a plugin that will send any placed link
for admin review, no matter where the link is placed on the forum,
but there is not....

is there anyway to kill profile access? They simply
can ask for the access if they are not a spammer.....

Enable reCaptcha (MyBB 1.6.5 or higher):

I will look into them...

I already have one spam plugin...

and Q/A does not even show anymore...

other then running multiple spam plugins, I think one plugin would
be best to handle anything to do with even if they beat
the spam plugins, then they would run into admin/review when
they post links reguardless of where they are posted, forum, sig, profile, other...

I am starting to favor just putting all posts/sigs/profiles for admin review regardless...
1 plugin / everything reviewed or until x amount of posts with suspention options
for posting, sigs, profiles, links etc...

Running 3+ spam plugins is not the answer when spammers can change
emails and IPs faster then they can change their underwear...