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Full Version: Moderators can ignore bump limit??
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I have a question, If I make a topic and I answer my own topic right away its possible. But if a moderator make a topic and reply his own topic right away then his answer is put underneed his topic with the hr code.

So the question is how to ignore this so the moderators can also bump immediately and the rest of the usergroups not. So now is it only available for admins and I want it available for admins and moderators.

Can annyone help me?
admin panel --> configuration --> settings --> posting --> Merge User Groups to Ignore <-- add moderators & other staff group IDs
( Usergroups, separated by a comma, to exclude from the merge feature. Default: 4 (Administrator). Leave blank to disable )
THANKS!!! I know the option was there but not annymore where Big Grin
