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Full Version: Show ad under the User Cp, Mod CP etc bar
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Please guide me as to where I can insert the code for ad so that it would appear under the User CP, Mode CP Bar and above You have so and so unread messages notification?

admin panel --> templates --> your current theme's templates --> header templates --> header

at the bottom of the header template, you might have code similar to below
<br class="clear" />
		<div id="content">
			<br />
add your advertisement code just before above code wrapped by div tags like this : <div id="headeradv">your advt code</div>
look like this on my test forum

[Image: ScreenShot060-1.png]
Thank you that worked like a charm. however instead of the forum theme in the background, it is giving me a grey background. How can I change that and also I want the ad to show in the center.
^ can we have your forum URL to check it ..
admin panel --> themes --> your active theme (apart night) --> global.css --> Edit Stylesheet: Advanced Mode

add below code in above global.css at the bottom , save and refresh your forum page ..

#headeradv {
text-align: center;
background: #FFF;

That worked. Thank you so much.

Can you perhaps also help me with the bottom banners. If you can see I have two banners at the bottom but there is an empty square space on the right and I want to add an ad there. I tried making a table and added that code in the footer file but that didn't work.
^ try code like below on footer template at the top
<table id="footeradvt" width="100%"><tr><td width="50%">first advt code</td><td width="50%">second advt code</td></tr></table>