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Full Version: Changing hosts
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That is correct. I am on a free host.
(2012-03-11, 03:59 PM)Projec13 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012-03-11, 05:09 AM)dalawh Wrote: [ -> ]I did all this and it turns out everything loaded fine. Everything seems to load to my old host, how can I change that to load to my new host?

You have to do 2 more things every1 missed.

You need to open Settings.php and edit the following:

$settings['bburl'] = "NEW URL"
$settings['cookiedomain'] = "";
$settings['cookiepath'] = "/"; < - Leave as a / if your uploading to root

Now go to your forums Admin CP
Go to Configuration
Then on the settings go to General Configuration

You will need to change the following to your new forums url:

Board URL
Homepage URL
Cookie Domain < -- REMEMBER you must not use HTTP or WWW, and you MUST have a . in front, like for example
Cookie Path

and then your done.

If I get a domain from a registrar, do I just rename all the above to the new domain and not the hosting domain? Can you give me an example by replacing the above with an example of how a hosting and how a domain would look like. Domain name is and hosting name is
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